Women’s Emotional Health

Richard Morden

Women are complex creatures and besides gender, sociocultural influences and values have a significant impact on them. There has been a long tradition in society that the women have been subordinate in the household with all the primary responsibilities for raising children and taking care of the older women’s mental health.
Even though gender roles have shifted in our society, with women taking on more powerful jobs and men remaining at home to care for children, women still face a significant amount of stress. Women today still experience significant amounts of stress, even if they are in powerful jobs or have very successful careers outside of the home.
- Mentor : Richard Morden
- Duration : 2 Hours / Meeting
- Level : Adult
- Format : On-Line

Women today still experience significant amounts of stress, even if they are in powerful jobs or have successful careers outside home.
Depression and panic attacks may result from this stress. Females have unfortunately been sexualized in our culture, whether by magazines, movies, television shows, or peer relationships. According to the American Psychological Association, this repeated negative sexualization may interfere with the healthy development of female self-esteem and self-image. These factors can lead to depression, anxiety, stress, and guilt, and can negatively impair women’s mental health.
The problem is not only confined to women, but also men who struggle with these issues. However, women have been socialized to be more vulnerable to these problems. This does not mean that men do not suffer from these problems. They do and they do so at a rate much lower than women. The difference in rates is due to a complex interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. It is important to remember that these are generalizations and there are always exceptions.
As mentioned above, women are often socialized to be the primary caretakers of the home and children. Women are also socialized to have a very low opinion of themselves and to feel that they are inadequate in many areas.
This can lead to a deep sense of inadequacy which can create feelings of inferiority and lead to a negative mental state. Women often experience anxiety about their appearance and the way they look. They may compare themselves unfavourably with other women or with the way they used to look. This comparison can be extremely stressful.

It is important to remember that women’s beauty is extremely important to them. It is one of the major sources of self-esteem and a significant factor in their overall well-being. This leads to a vicious cycle in which the female experiences negative feelings about herself and her looks which leads to stress and anxiety, which in turn causes further negative feelings about herself and her looks.
This cycle can be extremely difficult to break.
However, by learning more about how this vicious cycle works and by implementing simple strategies, you can help your female client tremendously. By the way, breaking this cycle does not mean that a woman will no longer have feelings of stress and anxiety.
- Mentor : Richard Morden
- Duration : 2 Hours / Meeting
- Level : Adult
- Format : On-Line