Trauma and EFT Therapy

Richard Morden

Trauma is the Greek word for “wound”. Although the Greeks used the term only for physical injuries, nowadays trauma is just as likely to refer to emotional wounds. We now know that a traumatic event can leave psychological symptoms long after any physical injuries have healed.
- Mentor : Richard Morden
- Duration : 2 Hours / Meeting
- Level : Adult
- Format : On-Line

The psychological reaction to emotional trauma now has an established name: post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. It usually occurs after an
extremely stressful event, such as wartime combat, a natural disaster, or sexual or physical abuse; its symptoms include depression, anxiety,
flashbacks, and recurring nightmares.
How EFT is effective with people who have this experience.
Everyone has experienced something in their lives that can be viewed as a trauma. Much of this goes unnoticed however for a person who has reach a severity level that there are physical signs such as illness and or behavior and they require some intervention, it can be a journey to receive help that is effective for them.
The most important aspect of this, I’m not treating the Trauma. I work with “you” to facilitate an energetic resolution to this disturbance that in your mind and body. My focus is to create an emotional safe place with you in present time for you to release this from your body. In doing so we can discharge this event energy and beliefs that may have limited your life in numerous known and unknown ways.
There are many ways and routes we can utilize to achieve success. View me as your London Taxis driver because the destination is certain however
the routes will vary at to the situation and person.

- Mentor : Richard Morden
- Duration : 2 Hours / Meeting
- Level : Adult
- Format : On-Line